Registration for the 2024/2025 school year is now open!!!

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Did you know that La Coccinelle has a student referral program? If you refer a student to La Coccinelle, you will receive $50.00 off your child’s tuition for the 2024/2025 school year.

General registration for 2024/2025 is now open registration link.

*Due to high volumes, please allow up to one week to receive official confirmation of acceptance.*

Before You Get Started

Please take a moment to read the registration procedures.  Please note that registration process from past years has changed and it is now all completed online.

1. Children must be toilet trained in order to start classes.
2. Parent volunteer commitment required

  • 3-year old program: toy-wash one evening per school year.
  • 4-year old program: toy-wash one evening per school year, rag washing once per school year.

3. Age Requirement Clarification:

  • Students entering the 3-year old class must be 3 years old on the day that they start class (licensing requirement). If they do not turn three until after the beginning of September, they may register but must pay tuition to hold space until their child is eligible to attend (as late as December 31st).
  • Students entering the 4-year old class must turn 4 years old by December 31st of the school year (example: must be 4 years old by December 31st, 2022 to start in September 2022).
  • If a child turns 4 in the first few months of the school year, it is recommended that they enroll in the 4 year old class. However, this may depend on a discussion with the teacher and may depend when the parents plan to send their child to kindergarten.
  • For late registrations students may join a class up until January 31, after which point too much learning has occurred to catch up. Special exceptions may apply, so discussion with the teacher is recommended in this case.

Registration Procedures

To register, please complete our online application form. We will email you within one week to either offer you a space in our program or put you on our waitlist.

Once we have confirmed your child’s placement in our program, we will apply a $130 non-refundable registration fee to your credit card, along with any other tuition fees that may be due if you are registering after August 1st, 2022 (see fee schedule below). Class space is allocated on a first-come first-served basis.

2024/2025 Fees and Registration

3-year-olds – Tuesday and Thursday
Morning 8:30 am – 11:30 am  OR  Afternoon 12:30 pm – 3:30 pm

    • One $130 non-refundable registration fee to be applied to credit card once registration is completed.
    • One $440 tuition fee to be applied to credit card on August 1, 2024. This includes September and June fees and is non-refundable after August 1, 2024.
    • Eight $220 monthly tuition fee charges applied to your credit card on the first of the month from October 1, 2024 through May 1, 2025.
  • One $100 charge applied to your credit card on July 1, 2025 for toy wash if you do not complete a mandatory toy wash once during the school year.  If you complete your toy wash commitment you will not be charged this $100 fee.

4-year-olds – Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Morning 8:30 am – 11:30 am  OR  Afternoon 12:30 pm – 3:30 pm

  • One $130 non-refundable registration fee to be applied to credit card once registration is completed.
  • One $580 tuition fee to be applied to credit card on August 1, 2024.  This includes September and June fees and is non-refundable after August 1, 2024.
  • Eight $290 monthly tuition fee charges applied to your credit card on the first of the month from October 1, 2024 through May 1, 2025.
  • One $100 charge applied to your credit card on July 1, 2025 for toy wash if you do not complete a mandatory toy wash once during the school year.  If you complete your toy wash commitment you will not be charged this $100 fee.

Waitlist Procedures

During registration, you will be given the option to list your first and second preference for class choice. If your child is placed in their first-choice class, your credit card will automatically be charged for the registration fee and then the registrar will email you to confirm that your registration is complete. If your first choice is full, you will NOT be automatically registered for your second choice. The registrar will email you within 7 days of receiving your registration form. The registrar will provide clarification that your child is being offered a place in your second-choice class and will request whether or not you would like to take it and whether or not you would like to join the waitlist for the first-choice class.

If both your first and second choice classes are full, you will AUTOMATICALLY be added to the waitlist for your first choice. If your first choice is full and no second choice is listed, you will automatically be added to the waitlist for your first choice.

A student may only be waitlisted for 1 class option but can switch around. If a family wishes to waitlist for a different class, their priority date/time is maintained. If waitlisted, an email will be sent when a spot becomes available. Once this email is sent, the registrar must receive the required documents and credit card information within 7 days, or the spot will be offered to another student.

More information can be found in our Parent Handbook.

The Government of Alberta offers a subsidy. For more information click here. 

Thank you for your interest in our school!

Registrar Contact